Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Going at it again!

Okay, well I guess you could say we took a little bit of a break. It's now Sept. 14, 2011, but I started back yesterday actually. Finally got a spot cleaned out to put the treadmill in the bedroom and I did 1 mile on it... going up to 3mph. Boy was that the fastest I've went in a long time! LOL. My walk on the treadmill was accompanied with 30 sit-ups and 10 squats. Believe it or not, I'm actually feeling it this morning.... the burn! I think I've used some muscles that I no longer knew I even had! LOL. Well I did have 1 cosmic brownie yesterday, 2 small glasses of lemon tea and a Strawberry- Kiwi Propel Water with my walk. For dinner I had a bowl (1 serving size) of Classic Pasta Salad with Bacon Bits, and some baby carrots with ranch dip. I'm thinking about doing 'Breakfast' for 'Dinner' tonight... Well, I'm going to talk to my fellow 'recruits' on this one and see if I can get them 'going' at it again with me. The support is really awesome to have. But hey, you know what... if not that's fine too because myself, my husband Seth, and my Sister In Law Adriana have all decided to join the Coast Guard, so getting into shape is a must. Our goal (at least mine & my husband's) is for January. That gives me 4 months to loose this weight and get back into shape! Therefore, I have to take this seriously and get through this. Plus, I also need to worry about my health because I have a family and children! so, we'll see how this gos and I'll update again tonight! :) Much Love, Erin Nicole! <3

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 2!

Day 2 and we're still going! Woke up at 5AM again and walked another 2 miles, exercised for an hour today (30 minutes before & after we walked). Ended up eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup at about 11AM... was busy for quite some time throughout the day. Wen't with the girls and Seth to Wal-Mart. Mary had to drop off and wait for her prescription to get filled and then we wen't shopping. Afterwards on the way home we filled up on gas at Wal-Mart and stopped by Wendy's to pick up dinner. Then went and checked the P.o. Box. and headed home. Had a Spicy Ceaser half-salad with Garlic Lemon Ceaser Dressing, half a sour cream and chives baked potatoe and about a third of a Wild Berry Tea. Boy are those things sweet. Came home and got stuff put away, spent some time with my baby girls and then headed out to exercise and walk again! We did 2 miles, jogged half a mile, did stretches and exercised for an hour... (made it to 50 sit ups and scissor kicks). I know, I know... not much but it's a start! :)

p.s. I've only had one soda today (7up), other than the little bit of tea have been drinking water all day!!! :)

And the journey begins...

Today was the day we started our journey to a new and healthier life style... a new me! We woke up at 5AM and walked 2 miles and exercised for 30 minutes (15 minutes before & after our walk). Didn't end up eating breakfast this morning. At lunch I had some crackers and cheese with a fruit cup and a bottle of water. For dinner we had Subway but it was a little late. I had a foot long Chicken Teriyaki on white, with pepper jack cheese and full of veggies. About an hour later we walked another mile. Stayed up a little listening to music, got my baby girls in bed.... gave them a kiss, told them sweet dreams and then they slowly drifted away for the night. I came back in the bedroom and followed by doing the same.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our first step to a new beginning!

Today is the day that we decided to have a new beginning. Today is the day that we actually decided to start working out on a daily basis and eating healthier. To set our goals and do this for the better in us. To take pictures and create a blog keep track of our progress. To be each others' support. To be here for each other and make sure that we get through this together. Tomorrow is the day that we actually start this!